Mild Ale

Count: 21
Average Rating: 2.38
Average ABV: 4.4%
Favorite Beer: Surly Osmotar's Forest Mild ( 4.0)
Most Common Brewery: Defiance (2)
Beer Rating
Surly Osmotar's Forest Mild 4.0
Defiance Union 3.0
Dispensarie Elephant Velvet 3.0
Dangerous Man Dark Mild Reserve 3.0
Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws 3.0
Bauhaus Lil' Ben 3.0
Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws 3.0
Berryessa Whippersnapper 3.0
Defiance Gutch 3.0
Magnolia Dark Star Mild 2.0
Pretty Things November 22nd, 1838 X Ale 2.0
Eagle Rock Solidarity 2.0
Oil City English Mild 2.0
Herzl Shesh Ahuz Kapara (Imperial Mandatory Mild) 2.0
Nine Mile Pub Ale 2.0
Oroboros North 55 2.0
Modist Darklighter 2.0
Eagle Rock Nitro Solidarity 2.0
Magnolia Sara's Ruby Mild 2.0
Drake's The Sun Never Sets 1.0
Squeeze Brewery Paik Super Mild 1.0